
A digital ecosystem that encourages interaction, experimentation and collaborative play

Microworld is an immersive art space filled with digital creatures which respond to the audience in a variety of ways. The creatures have life cycles and strategies for survival. You can play with them to explore what they do; you can design your own and add them into the mix, or you can simply watch them in action.

Microworld inspires digital creativity.

MICROWORLD COVENTRY Herbert Art Gallery & Museum. Tues-Sun until 23 Feb 2025

Visit Microworld at:

The numbers


Over half a million people have visited a Microworld


The number of creatures designed by Microworld visitors

21 Microworlds

Microworld has travelled around the world: Europe, the USA, the Middle East and Asia

What can visitors do?

Some visitors enjoy being physical - jumping around; some enjoy designing new creatures, and others enjoy sitting back watching and listening. Microworld appeals to all ages, combining art, entertainment and learning. It's great for family engagement.

What is Microworld about?

Beyond the thrill of physically engaging with digital art, Microworld embraces many different themes both scientific and artistic; from Biodiversity to Biophilia.

How does a Microworld work?

Microworld is a modular exhibition using computers, simple sensors and projectors. We offer two scales of Microworld to suit the size of your venue: a 4-screen installation and a 6 to 8-screen installation. Microworld typically runs for 3 months.

Microworld Connecting

Microworld exhibitions provide the perfect opportunity to connect audiences with your collection. Genetic Moo can design a digital artwork incorporating artefacts and/or specimens, re-presenting them in a new and exciting way.

What Visitors Are Saying

“Creating art as a family. Not just the kids playing with technology in isolation like they do at home”

— Microworld Leicester 2016

"Absolutely love Microworld, fascinating and mesmerising displays"

— Microworld Brecon Coventry 2024

"We left all inhibitions at the door, jumping and dancing, we got caught up in it all."

— Microworld Eureka! 2018

"Fantastic accessible art for my usually distracted kids ... it’s the longest they’ve ever been engaged in a gallery!"

—Microworld Brecon 2018

"Wow! It's so beautiful. There were lots of nice colours and very cool things." "It's for everyone."

— Microworld Kristiansand 2021

"Weird and extremely amazing."

— Microworld Wolves, 2023